Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Web: www.caimore.com/emain.asp sales10@caimore.com Contact:Peter Zhang Email: GSM GPRS M2M SCADA GPRS Modem For Air Quality Online Monitoring System Solution For the last two decades of rapid economic and social development and urbanization process,In the economically developed areas , Air pollution has been transfer a local single-city coal-fired pollution into the coexistence region complex pollution of the coal-burning and motor vehicle exhaust pollution.Although in our major cities,varying amounts of automatic air monitoring stations have been built,However, due to the lack of regional and complex understanding of air pollution in the earlier period of construction,problem existing as followed。 ( 1 ) Monitoring indicators is less than normal , currently China's air quality monitoring network mainly purpose to monitor project for SO2, NOx, and respirable particulate matter,lack of monitoring the reaction of regional air pollution characteristics of pollutants. (2)Lack of optimization and design of the monitoring network,it is difficult to fully and accurately reflect the air pollution ( 3 ) Simple methods of automatic air monitoring stations , lack of mobile observation and three-dimensional observation techniques. T he use of wireless communication technology , It is convenient to add and optimize the deployment of the system front-end acquisition equipment,to build a new air quality monitoring system.It's advantage including,flexible networking,short duration and investment saving. C aimore lower consumption modem , work as the wireless data transmission channel between the front-end and back-end data acquisition monitoring control platform in the system.Specifically responsible for transmission system of data collection,real time connection with platform server,automatically to upload the data collection, and to receive control commands and return status ,to achieve real-time, stable and efficient transmission。 T he new sytle air quality monitoring system can continuous real-time monitor air quality,dynamic grasp exceeded condition,it is of significant meaning and promotional value to monitor pollution,to prevent pollution event and improve air quality. System Components: A Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Web: www.caimore.com/emain.asp sales10@caimore.com Contact:Peter Zhang Email: s picture shown ,Air Quality Online Monitoring system will automatically lead control, network communications, computer (or smartphone) and GIS and other information technology into the field of air quality monitoring, Caimore wireless transmission module which use industrial grade sets up wireless data transmission network, the collection, transmission and monitoring of air quality which achieves various environmental factors. GPRS IP MODEM is a wireless data terminal of Internet of Things , uses public GPRS network to provide users with wireless long-distance data transmission function. T he product uses high-performance industrial-grade 32-bit communications processor and industrial grade wireless module,takes embedded real-time operating system as software support platform , provides both rs232 and rs485 interface or rs422,can directly connect serial port device,transfer real time transparent data,lowe consumption design,lowest one is less than1mA; provides 5 channel I./O , and can realize digital input,pulse output ,analogue output ,pulse counting ect. Topology Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Web: www.caimore.com/emain.asp sales10@caimore.com Contact:Peter Zhang Email: Why Caimore Caimore Communication devotes herself to IOT and the industrial automation fields , provides wireless products, Xiamen focus on supporting high-tech enterprises; 12 years of industry research and development and industrial applications accumulation test.

doc文档 M2M SCADA Industrial GSM GPRS Modem For For Air Quality Online Monitoring System Solution

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M2M SCADA Industrial GSM GPRS Modem For For Air Quality Online Monitoring System Solution 第 1 页 M2M SCADA Industrial GSM GPRS Modem For For Air Quality Online Monitoring System Solution 第 2 页 M2M SCADA Industrial GSM GPRS Modem For For Air Quality Online Monitoring System Solution 第 3 页
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